The fundamental premises upon which the practice of depth homeopathy is based are the spiritual nature of the human being and the immortality of the human soul. Intrinsic to this vision is the knowledge that the incarnated soul is on a spiritual path or ‘hero’s journey’ towards Self-realisation or individuation. The journey is fraught with difficulties, challenges and obstacles. Not least is the presence of the ego-self, a counterfeit or pseudo-self created by the soul as a compensatory shield for its lack of Basic Trust in a sentient, loving and supportive Cosmos. Born of fear, the ego-self assumes the soul’s identity and marginalises the soul within the psyche. The soul perceives life from the perspective of the ego-self: an outlook warped by anxiety and fear, prejudice and preference, egotism and materialism. This dysfunctional, self-centred, empirical view of reality leads to wrong-thinking, wrong-feeling and wrong-acting: the very causes of human disease and planetary disaster.
The ego-self is the disease from which the soul suffers. Disease of the soul becomes disease of the mind and disease of the mind becomes disease of the body: the vehicles of the soul.
It is often a physical ailment that brings a patient to the homeopath and often the attention of both homeopath and patient is specifically directed towards clearing the ailment and its associated symptoms and signs. This orientation may remain central to treatment even when the homeopath is selecting remedies according to classic homeopathic methodology: basing the core prescription on the personality profile of the patient. Once patient and physician are satisfied with the outcome, treatment is discontinued and only resumed when need arises.
Depth homeopathy is centred on the assumption that the confluence between healer and patient is destined and synchronistically timed: when the physician is ready, the patient appears; and reciprocally, when the patient is ready, the physician appears. The patient’s ailment, emotional, physical or both, is merely the means the Cosmos employs to bring about a healing event, which, extending far beyond the emotional or physical, addresses the interface between ego-self and soul: the zone of turbulence between the unconscious and the conscious minds: the divide of contention where disease arises. The nature of the ego-self/soul discord determines the nature of the disease, the two are inseparable. They are also coordinates signposting the soul’s path.
At this level, the homeopathic consultation has as its prime purpose: overthrowing the ego-self and restoring the soul’s dominion over the psyche: an imperative transformation essential both to health and the soul’s spiritual destiny.
Depth homeopathy is soul-medicine!
It is also archetypal-medicine!
By unconscious affinity, predisposition, inherited-miasmatic-influence and destiny, all individuals are drawn to one or other archetypal form (the wise woman or crone, the wise man or magician, the king, the lover, the warrior, the tyrant, the trickster, etc.), which provide the foundation upon which they construct their reality and experience life, coloured by their culture, beliefs, circumstances, life events and personality. Collectively the archetypes constitute a timeless, universal, dynamic field of role models or innate tendencies, capable through resonance of influencing, moulding, and transforming the personal unconscious of the individual and thus shaping temperament, character and behaviour. These archetypal patterns or profiles are written into all aspects of the material world – all forces and forms – and are represented in key minerals, plants and animal life (e.g., gold + the oak + the lion = the monarch or king). The remedy derived from these sources and suited specifically to the archetypal energy of the patient weakens the barriers of repression and discord between levels of consciousness and permits disease-causing, repressed and distorted energy to flow from within outwards. Healing extends from the soul to the mind and the emotions and from thence to the body. In the process, dialogue between the higher self and the lower self is elicited in the form of archetypal or significant dreams, which are often revelatory and directive, guiding both physician and patient in the soul’s quest for the holy grail of spiritual attainment.
Depth homeopathy is not only soul and archetypal-medicine – it is dream-medicine: the medicine of the ‘dream-reader’.